Year: 2020 | Month: March | Volume 13 | Issue 1

Management of Phytophthora capsici Infection in Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) using New Generation Fungicides and Biopesticide



A field study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different new generation fungicides and biopesticide against Phytophthora capsici in black pepper. Five commercial fungicides and a biopesticide were tested and natural infection due to P. capsici was recorded. Disease indexing was done by visual observation on leaf blight, spike infection, leaf shedding and yellowing of vines. Among the different fungicides, spraying and drenching with Fenamidone 10WDG + Mancozeb 50WDG @ 0.2% was found to be the most effective with 12.4% disease intensity. It was followed by Copper hydroxide 77 WP @ 0.2% with 17.8% disease intensity. Dimethomorph 9WP + Mancozeb 60WP and Cymoxanil 8WP + Mancozeb 64WP were also effective against Phytophthora infection and found better than the existing practice of spraying Bordeaux mixture and drenching Copper oxy chloride. Soil application of talc based formulation of PGPM mix @ 50 g/vine and foliar spray at 2% concentration also resulted in considerable reduction in the severity of Phytophthora infection in black pepper.

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